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Beauty surrounds us in all , it is everywhere, land to sea, the ever changing sky truly beautiful.

I love to go for a walk to the beach, I am blessed as I can walk to there from my home. I am constantly on the hunt for things that I can incorporate into my art creations. The things I find and drag home its crazy, sometimes I have to go back home for the car or call my husband to come and help me carry the things I have found as its more than I can manage.

Nature is a gold mine to me.

The gentle lapping of the waves, the call of the gulls, the stillness of the soul as you stroll the sea shore.

With some of these wonderful finds I have started to create a series called The faces of driftwood .

Two of my granddaughters love to gather treasures for me that they find at the beach. Both of them have brought things like dead dried out fish or shells back home packed in their luggage and can't wait to show me once they arrive home.

I will often go for a walk with my 5 year old granddaughter to the beach and she just automatically starts to gather items for me. "Oh Nana look at this , you could use it......

All of my grandchildren love to do art and especially try some new idea I might have.

Dancing Kelp and Eye catching were created with kelp my son and granddaughter found for me and they just new I would have an idea for it's use. I sure did and with that idea came another. Dance of the Sea Fairies.

Stay tuned for more from the sea.

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I have been on this journey of creation for most of my life.

It is a great passion of mine, an inner drive you might say.

The creation of all of these art projects I have been working on since 2010.

More so in the last 2 years. It fulfills my dream, it sustains me.

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Creating something is my passion and I am all over the map about it. I am not afraid to tackle any kind of medium, I love learning something new and exploring new ideas.

Mixing mediums in an art project is my most favorite thing to do as it can add a whole new dimension to the creation. Adding nature to an art piece, say a piece of wood I found at the beach gives the piece of art more depth and adds more uniqueness to it.

I enjoy doing custom work for people, if you have a picture of something and you want it made into a piece of art to display in your home or office, I am up for the task. I have done this several times for people and find it very rewarding.

I can also create a special occasion card for you if you like and you can have it printed with more copies if you choose too.

That hard to buy for person that seems to have everything, well maybe not as you cannot by a custom made piece of art made especially for them at a store or on Amazon. BUT I could create it?

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